Current research activities are carried out in 27 key fields of science by teams working on more specific projects. Nearly half of teams work on the natural sciences, one-third aims at the accomplishment of humanities projects, a fourth solves interdisciplinary tasks.

The well-developed KFU research infrastructure incorporates the following separate institutes:

- N.L. Lobachevsky Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

- Alexander Butlerov Institute of Chemistry

- Vladimir Engelgardt Astronomical Observatory

- Botanical Garden

- Centre for Information Technologies

We also have 33 modern laboratories and five research sectors in Economics, Electrosynthesis of Aromatic Compounds, Electrochemical Methods of Pesticide Analysis, Applied Radiophysics and Applied Mathematical Modeling.

KFU hosts Federal Joint Use Center “Physico-Chemical Studies of Substances and Materials” where scientists and students from different faculties and even other universities and colleges have access to KFU’s modern and expensive equipment.