CISCO SYSTEMS is a world leader in networking technologies and has been the largest manufacturer of professional networking equipment for years. CISCO delivers more than 80% of the routers that make up the basis of the Internet. Modern solutions of the company renowned for its reliability, functionality and performance provide the work of thousands of organizations, government agencies and services worldwide. The range of devices and CISCO software tools covers all applications from small private networks and small businesses to multinational companies.
Actively developing project of CISCO Networking Academies serves as the training for successful professionals in the telecommunications industry worldwide. Fundamental and practical knowledge gained by students of the Academy through professionally prepared training materials and work with real equipment, offers them a wide range of positions in the IT sector in various companies and organizations. A Certified CISCO specialist is an internationally recognized standard of professional networking.
CISCO Networking Academy offers their students a wide range of courses on various areas of telecommunications. The very first and most fundamental step in their training program is CCNA.
Head of the Cisco Center at KFU - Dmitry Bondar.