Kazan University is in partnership relations with Baku State University since September 2003. Cooperation in the field of jurisprudence is developing under the Agreement on scientific and educational cooperation. Coordinator of this collaboration is Professor of International and European Law Dr. Revol Valeev.

Cooperation of KFU with Azerbaijan nowadays is also implemented within the frames of educating Azerbaijan students at KFU. In the current academic year Kazan university has 47 students from Azerbaijan, 37 of them study by the referral of the Russian Federation Ministry of Education at the expense of the federal budget funds, in accordance with the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation of 25.08.2008 № 638 (13 bachelors and 24 specialists), 9 are on contract terms (three bachelors and six specialists) and 1 – on the common basis (on budget places on an equal basis with Russian citizens).