Rector's Presentation for the RIKEN Institute (February 2015)

KFU has long term mutually beneficial relationship with the scientific and educational centers in Japan. The oldest Japanese partner of Kazan University is Kanazawa University the agreement on academic, scientific and cultural cooperation with which was signed in 1998 and has already been extended twice – in 2003 and 2008. Within the frameworks of the agreement there is an exchange of students in the fields of philology, cultural science, and physics. Participants, who have been se­lected to study in Kanazawa, are provided scholarship from Japan Association of students which covers the cost of airfare, accommodation, purchase of literature, etc. There is a Center of Japanese studies in Kazan Federal University. 

A promising and strategically important partner is RIKEN, with which the program of joint graduate school is implemented.

Nowadays, within the framework of partnership agreements and participation in joint research and educational projects KFU cooperates with the following universities in Japan:

- Kanazawa University


- Okayama University

- National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

- Hiroshima University

- National Institute of agrobiology

- Tohoku University