Academic cooperation of KFU with Iran is developing mainly within the frames of Memorandum of understanding on scientific and educational cooperation with the Imam Khomeini International University, which was signed in February 2011. Coordinator of the implementation of the Memorandum is the head of the Department of the Indo-Iranian and African Languages of KFU Institute of Oriental studies and International Relations, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Mr. Zakirov Rafis Rafaelovich.

In the current academic year Kazan University has an unprecedented number of students from Iran. If during last 5 years the number of Iranian students in KFU did not exceed 5 persons per year, now their number is as big as 54. The vast majority of them (49) are studying the Russian language at the preparatory faculty of KFU in order to continue their education for se­lected graduate programs in the next academic year. 45 of 54 students are enrolled on a contract basis, 9 – by the referral of the Russian Federation Ministry of Education, at the expense of the federal budget funds, in accordance with the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation of 25.08.2008 № 638.

Academic mobility of students and staff of KFU to Iran in 2011 was presented by assistant in the Department of Oriental Languages, who participated in the International Festival of Poetry “Fajr” in Tehran, and by the student of the Institute of Oriental studies and International relations, who had one month language training course at the Center for dissemination of the Persian language.