Head of department - Sherstyukov Oleg Nikolaevich

      The department trains specialists for designing radiosystems for the purposes of navigation, television, radiolocation, radio control and other spheres. It possesses a large applied radiophysics laboratory. The main fields of the department's scientific research are radiation of the atmosphere and meteors and creating systems for discontinuous adaptive packet radio.

        The laboratory base of the training direction has changed dramatically, including the following laboratories:

physical workshop in physics, workshop in Radiophysics; laboratories: fundamentals of radio electronics, statistical Radiophysics, microprocessor systems and microcontrollers in information systems and their diagnostics, automation of scientific research, pulse and digital electronics, quantum Radiophysics, vacuum and cryogenic technology, electrodynamics and ultrahigh frequency devices, radio telecommunications, information transmission systems, Cisco network technologies, radio wave propagation and antennas, etc.
      The educational program in this area is one of the leading in Russia and is characterized by the integration of fundamental, applied and research component in the areas of scientific schools of Kazan University in the field of physics of magnetic phenomena, quantum Radiophysics, radiophysical studies of natural environments.