1.Genesis and ecological functions of soils in the conditions of global transformation of natural and antropogenic landscapes and a whole biosphere under the influence of abiotic and anthropogenic factors.

Contact persons: Grigoryan Boris Rubenovich, Associate professor, Ph.D.; Tel.: +7 (843) 2-31-53-94; Fax: +7 (843) 292-12-74; E-mail: Boris.Grigoryan@ksu.ru

2.Genesis and transformation of soils of Kuibyshev reservoir ecosystem.

Contact persons: Kulagina Valentina Ivanovna, Associate professor, Ph.D.; Tel.: +7 (843) 2-31-53-94; Fax: +7 (843) 292-12-74; E-mail: Valentina. Kulagina @kpfu.ru

3.Comprehensive quantitative diagnosis of smectite components in clay-metal-organic complex of forest-steppe soils.

Contact persons: Shinkarev Aleksandr Aleksandrovich, Professor, Ph.D.; Tel.: +7 (843) 2-31-53-94; Fax: +7 (843) 292-12-74; E-mail: Aleksander. Shinkarev@kpfu.ru