M.A.Alekhina and V.V.Kurysheva.  On the circuits reliability in "anticonjunction" basis with constant faults at gate inputs
O.I.Bzheumikhova and V.N.Lesev. On the solvability of nonlinear partial differential equations of a high order with deviating argument in lowest terms
M.S.Blizorukova. An algorithm for dynamic reconstruction of a disturbance in a linear system
K.R.Dzhukashev. About A-properties of some elastic three-webs
P.A.Dubovik. Hermitian f-structures on 6-dimensional filiform Lie groups
B.Yu.Irgashev. Spectral problem for an equation of high even order
N.N.Korneeva. Automata transformations of prefix decidable and decidable by Buchi superwords
V.V.Malygina and K.M.Chudinov. Asymptotics of solutions of difference equations with delays
L.A.Onegov. The method of mechanical quadratures for integral equations with fixed singularity
Yu.S.Reznikova. Multidimensional triangle-truncated simplexes