he Scientific and Educational Center for Pedagogical Research of the Institute of Psychology and Education was created to conduct scientific psychological and pedagogical research; content and methodological improvement of training and retraining programs for the system of preschool, school, secondary and higher vocational education, as well as personnel interested in improving the psychological and pedagogical competencies required in their professional activities.

The main directions of the REC of pedagogical research:

    Development and implementation of additional programs created on the basis of interdisciplinary lecture courses and workshops, designed for a wide range of audiences.
    Organization of scientific and practical activities aimed at improving research competencies and management of the scientific career of the faculty, graduate students and students; implementation of the project “Teacher Education in Russia and abroad” (pedagogical education in Russia and abroad) ”, coordination of the activities of the Volga Regional Scientific Center of RAO.
    Organization and holding of methodological seminars to discuss the methodological issues of postgraduate research projects, building their adequate structure and presentation in the public scientific space, discussion of candidate and doctoral theses on pedagogy.
    Assistance to teachers of the Institute in publishing articles in international journals included in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. Publication of the scientific journal Continuing Pedagogical Education: Problems and Searches (4 issues per year).


Head of the Scientific and Educational Center of Pedagogical Researches:

Valeryan Gabdulhakov, doctor of sciences, professor



Address: 420021, Kazan, ul. M.Mezhlauk, 1, room. 102

Tel .: +7 (843) 221-34-75

Work schedule: Mondays - Fridays 8:00 - 17:00

lunch 12:00 - 13:00