Types of financial and social support to full-time students (budget):

- Lump sum for intensified nourishment

- Lump sum for travel on municipal public transport

- Lump sum for purchase of textbooks and writing utensils

- Lump sum to non-resident students for extra transport costs due to trips back home during vacation

- Lump sum for purchase of medicines

- Meal vouchers for KFU public catering system

- One-time financial aid in cases of serious illness, death of a close relative, loss of personal property, birth of a child

To apply for a financial and social support fill the application form (application for social (financial) support and application for getting social nourishment) and attach the documents confirming the experiencing of financial hardship.

Applications are accepted in office № 43 (open: Monday 13.30-17.00, Wednesday 13.30-17.00).

The Initial trade union organization of KFU students provides financial support to the following categories of full-time students (contract):

-orphans, children left without parental care

-disabled students (1st and 2nd degree of disablement)

- Students under the age of 23, having only one parent –a person with 1st degree of disablement

- Family students, if both husband and wife are full-time students

- Students, whose both parents (or at least one of them) are retired

- students, whose both parents (or at least one of them) have 2nd degree of disablement

- students from families with dependent children- three or more studying children, having no income)

- Students from single-parent family

- Students, who have a child/children

- Non-resident students, studying at KFU

One-time financial aid can be provided due to serious illness, death of a close relative, loss of personal property, birth of a child.

To apply for one-time financial aid fill the application form (financial aid) and attach the documents proving the social status. Applications are accepted in office № 108 (“Unics” sports and cultural complex) in case of presenting the union card.

Re-imbursements to e-wallet:

To reimburse the costs, fill the application form (follow on the website: Students>trade union organization of KFU students>reimbursement to e-wallet) and attach the receipt of transport card replenishment (e-wallet), to a minimum of 400 rubles.

Applications are accepted in office № 108 (“Unics” sports and cultural complex) in case of presenting the union card.

By order of submission of applications, every month 140 students receive compensation in the amount of 400 rubles according to the lists , which can be found on the website of the University and at the information stand (which is next to office № 108 in “Unics”).

The chairman of Students` trade-union bureau of the Institute of psychology and education is Akbirova Rezeda (3rd year student, group 17.2-304).

You can ask all interested questions of various lump sums, and learn information about the trade union organization of KFU students in office 43 (Open: Monday-Wednesday 13.30-17.00, phone No. 89503209074)

Learn more about the trade union organization of KFU students