Technologies of living systems (computer technologies in zoology and hydrobiology, faunal inventories, molecular taxonomy; bioindication and toxicology).

Head of Research Group

associate professor Ravil Zeleev, e-mail:, tel. +7 843 2315238.

Leading researcher
assistant Andrey Bespyatikh, e-mail:


Joint grant with Institute of Lymnology of SB RAS, Irkutsk (RFFI), joint grant with Serpukhov Military Institute.


Main scientific publications in 2012: RINC – 3, monograph - 1.

  1. Shagimardanova E.I., Sharipova M.R., Zakharov I.S., Gusev O.A. (2012) Life without water: cryptobiosis of invertebrates as a pattern for designing of preservation technology of a new generation biomaterial // Cell Transplantology and Tissue Engineering. – V. 7 (3). - P. 185-189.
  2. Zeleev R.M. A Version of Biological Axiomatics and Its Potential for Biodiversity Des­cription" // Proceedings of Kazan University, Natural Sciences series, v. 154 (2), 2012. - P. 8 - 25.
  3. G.A.Evtugyn, V.B.Kostyleva, A.V.Porfireva, M.A.Savelieva, V.G.Evtugyn, R.R.Sitdikov, I.I.Stoikov, I.S.Antipin, T.Hiank Label-free aptasensor for thrombin determination based on the nanostructured phenazine mediator // Talanta, 2012. – V. 102, 15 December 2012. – P. 156–163.
  4. Zeleev R.M. Insect Wing Apparates: structure, variety, evolution // R.M. Zeleev, T. Ch. Achmedov. Biological bases and principles of rapidflap flying machines simulation. Kazan: KFU Publishing, 2012. (in printing). – 195 p. - Number of (printed) copies: 100.
  5. Fardeeva M.B., Giniyatullina L.Ya. Vitality and state of Coridalis solida (L.) Clairv. cenopopulations in the zone of coniferous-deciduous forests // Proceedings of Kazan University, Natural Sciences series, v. 154 (1), 2012. - P. 165 - 176.