Methodological and Theoretical Problems of Legal Science
Pogodin A.V. The Content and Methodology of Law Enforcement Theory  7
Gorshunov D.N. Doctrinal Foundations of Russian Private Law: Problems and Prospects  15
Valiev R.G. Dispositive Method of Public-Legal Regulation  22
Stepanenko R.F. Theoretical and Methodological Problems of the General Legal Conception of Marginality  30
Soldatova А.V. General Characteristics of the Subjects of Law Enforcement in the Social Sphere  42
Ragimov A.T. The Legal Nature of the Remedial Status of an Individual and a State  48
Problems of Constitutional Law
Sultanov E.B. Principles of Local Self-Government and Municipal Regulation  56
Khabibullina G.R. Activities of Constitutional (Statutory) Courts of the Subjects of the Russian Federation and Their Importance for Law Making  63
Mikheev D.S. The Institute of Public Control over Local Government in Russia: Genesis and Trends of Development  69
Balayan G.K. Some Aspects of the Constitutional Basis for State Financial Control and Supervision in the Republic of Armenia  77
Problems of Civil Regulation
Akhmetyanova Z.A. Types of Real Rights and Their System  88
Nizamieva O.N. The Development of Contractual Regulation of Family Relations  100
Nigmatullina E.F. Legal Basis for Using Ravines in Urban Areas  107
Sitdikova R.I. Constitutional and Legal Guarantees for the Protection of Creativity  114
Problems of Criminal Law, Penal Law and Criminology
Sundurov F.R. Repressive Principles in Criminal Law  123
Gubaidullina E.M. The Grounds and Legal Consequences of Extension of Probation Period and Revocation of Suspended Sentence with a Subsequent Real Execution of Punishment  130
Klyuchko R.N. Failure to Act of an Officer: A Retrospective Technical Analysis of Essential Elements of the Corpus Delicti (Based on the Criminal Legislation of the Republic of Belarus)  139
Bakulin V.K. Correlation between Types of Control in Theory and Practice of Criminal Executive Law  151
Yakushin S.Yu. Crime Detection Tactics: Problems of Teaching  159
Mishin A.V. Forensic Framework for Ensuring Security of a Victim and a Witness in Crime Investigation  169
Theoretical and Applied Problems of Economic Science
Nurtdinov R.M., Nurtdinov A.R. Institutional System as a Factor of Economic Development  177
Safina A.I. Structural Elements of the Modern Concept of Regional Industrial Policy (On the Example of the Republic of Tatarstan)  189
Glebova I.S. Analysis of the Living Convenience of a Big City and Possibilities of Its Improvement (On the Example of Kazan)  198
Razumovskaya E.M., Kutsevol N.G., Popov M.L. Development of Strategic Management for IT Companies by Comparison of Customers Segmentation Data and Requirements of IT Market 211