During the period from the end of 1932 to the beginning of 1933 Zavoisky wrote a thesis on superregenerative effect, which he successfully presented. Here is extract from the University Order dated March 8, 1933:

"Having made excellent presentation of their theses, Ye.K.Zavoisky and A.V.Nesmelov, post-graduate students of Physics Department, are considered to have completed their post-graduate course successfully. They are appointed associate professors of Experimental Physics and Theoretical Physics correspondently since March 3. Besides, Zavoisky is appointed the Head of Physics Department".

In May of the same year, according to the documents, Yevgeny Konstantinovich headed the Laboratory of Electric Oscillations.

According to the remained archive materials Ye.K.Zavoisky's was completely concentrated on the problem of strong generation and ultrashort waves' amplifying, i.e. the development of ultrashort wave generators, until the beginning of 1933. At the same time his laboratory notes, made during the period from February to June, evidence that he began thinking about researches on physical and chemical effect of ultrashort waves. Zavoisky was sent to research institutes of Moscow, Leningrad and Rostov-on-Don cities to study various effects of ultrashort waves and the proper research methods.

By the Order of RSFSR Narkompros, dated November 11, 1934, the Ultrashort-Wave Laboratory directed by young scientists Ye.K.Zavoisky and A.V.Nesmelov, was established in Kazan University, where they studied the impact of ultrashort waves on a substance.

In his article "The Influence of Constant Magnetic Field on Heating Water Solutions of Electrolytes in the High-Frequency Fields" Yevgeny Konstantinovich stated the increase in heating speed of electrolytes, being influenced by ultrashort waves with the substance in a constant magnetic field. At the same time Zavoisky studied the phenomenon of torch discharge.