In 2013 – 2014, four Centres of Excellence were established as part of the Programme for Enhancing KFU's Competitive Ranking (PECR), including:

These centres are comprised of 20 new laboratories organised under the OpenLab principle with a single Centre for Shared Facilities. Core Facilities include the Interdisciplinary Centre for Proteomic and Genomic Research, the International Centre for Magnetic Resonance, the Interdisciplinary Centre for Analytical Microscopy, “Biobank”, and the Research and Academic Centre for Pharmaceutics set up within Pharma 2020 programme. OpenLabs operate like science incubators with grant support for research projects, which are supervised by world-known scientists. In the Stage-I of the PECR, there were selected the projects for the OpenLabs' introduction with the purpose of subsequent establishing the Centres of Excellence on the basis of several OpenLabs

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