M.A.Akivis, V.V.Goldberg, and A.V.Chakmazyan. Induced connections on submanifolds in spaces with fundamental groups
Yu.A.Aminov and J.L.Cieslinski. Immersions of regions of Lobachevsky spaces into spheres and Euclidean spaces and geometric interpretation of the spectral parameter
V.V.Balashchenko and D.V.Vylegzhanin. Generalized Hermitian geometry on homogeneous $\Phi$-spaces of finite order
N.I.Zhukova. Ehresmann connection of foliation with singularities and global stability of leaves
E.N.Sosov. The metric space of all 2-nets of space of nonpositive curvature
A.V.Stolyarov. Conformal differential geometry of flat orthogonal nets
V.T.Fomenko. Metrics on surfaces of constant mean curvature
V.V.Shurygin (jr.). Cohomology of Brylinski bouble complex of Poisson manifolds and quantum de Rham cohomology
S.B.Vakarchuk and A.N.Shchitov. On approximation of Faber-Schauder series by partial sums with respect to the metric of the space $\varphi(L)$