This approximately gives the same data you can find in other higher educational establishments of Russia. Christine E. Sleeter, in this connection writes about the USA: “Multicultural education is a relatively new field that has faced a constant struggle for legitimacy, even though the issues it addresses regarding human difference, social justice, and the form education should take in a pluralistic society,  are as old as the United States. Conservative educators criticize or dismiss multicultural education as radical and misdirected. Twenty years ago, Harry Broudy (1975) argued that the stress on cultural diversity is divisive and will lock out minority groups from the system by failing to teach them “to participate not only in the culture of this country but also in the intellectual and artistic achievements of the human race”. Recently conservative critics such as E. D. Hirsch (1990) have put forth the same objections, claiming that in their attempts to teach children about diverse groups, schools have produced culturally illiterate Americans who have little sense of a shared culture. Such criticisms are hardly surprising: since multicultural education challenges conservative beliefs, one would not expect it to garner much conservative support”. “Culturally illiterate Americans» about whom the author of the book tells are similar to culturally illiterate Russians, generation of which were grown up under reforms” of schools. Similarities of situations in various countries actualize problems, tackled in personology. Personology as a science, researches not only pupils but also teachers and also an environment where they interact. Personification on its own is perceived as a technology that can increase the quality of both linguistic and professional education. What components can be included into technology of education personification? The term “personology” firstly appeared in the works by Henry Murray, doctor, DPhil in the field of biochemistry, psychoanalyst, researcher of Mellvilles works, the head of Psychological clinic at Harvard University. 

The appearance of the term was caused by author`s aspiration to underline the necessity of goal-oriented complete study of an individual, which firstly has not only social but also biologic nature and secondly, lives and develops in a definite environment and definite socio-cultural context. Alongside with this, personology by G. Murray, in a larger degree, presents the theory of motivation than the theory of individuality. In patho-psychology he is the propounder of Thematic Apperception Test (ɌȺɌ), which was widely used in clinic and afterwards, was adapted by American psychologist D. Mackleland and J. Atkinson to study main motives of a man on the largest degree (content analysis). Murray was the first who began considering motives as a stable individual disposition. But, together with this, in the article (“Toward a classification of interaction”, in: “Toward a general theory of action”, Cambridge, Mass., 1951), he made a conclusion that a goal-oriented behavior can be explained as a result of individual (demanding condition) and situational (“pressure”).

During analysis of educational practices at 3 universities we can point out that personification detectors of educational intercourse in higher educational establishment, among which includes: personification detector (the degree of self-realization of students' personality); empatic detector (teacher`s ability to put a student on your own place) and  look at the world  with his eyes); reflexive detector (emotional field of study); field of joy, surprise, astonishment and happiness; cognitive detector (calculation of valuable installation of students and teachers' personalities); interactive indicator (a unity of conscious, unconscious perception); nuclear indicator  (realization of communicative core in intercourse and educational-cognitive activity; integrative indicator (integration of educative maintenance); nature indicator (calculation of individual rate in personality`s development); attractive indicator (attractiveness of lesson`s maintenance and form);  effective indicator (practical direction of lesson`s maintenance). These indicators appeared on the basis of correlative analysis by Spirman, determines dependence of creative (personified) self-realization mechanism in students from creativeness (pedagogic skills of a teacher).

Identified indicators allow to prove that effectiveness and availability of personified education in Russia are determined by the following components:    

- poly-paradigmatic, considers it as a research methodology, suggesting openness to different sights, prediction of problems and designs of a future higher school; argumentation of innovative strategy in higher educational development in a conceptual synthesis from a majority of existing educational paradigms; directions to a practical application result of creating strategies and innovative technologies to different kinds of pedagogical practices and various models of higher education; exposure of priorities in innovative strategies in formation a unique educational space in a global world.   

- noxologic, which must be taken into consideration in the building of personified education: this education must be not only safe but aimed at skills to take care of health, to the formation of health culture.   

- reflexive: reflexive technology of organization in professional-personality and  self-development of a future teacher which represents a special organization – pedagogical processing mechanism of realization of interrelated reflexive stages between each other in perfection of professional activity of a teacher:

1) reflexive-analytical (diagnostic stage);

2) constructive-structural (educative stage);

3) Stabilization (criteria-evaluative stage);

4) system-defined reflexion (perspective-projecting stage);   

- strategic: in living strategies of future teachers. inner contradictions are revealed; between terminal and instrumental, between traditional and modern; evaluate installations appeared under the influence of objective and subjective risk factors in combination with material conditions of vitality at different youth groups;   

- Spiritual-moral: support on culture demands a pedagogically-organized process: only here purport of personified ideals of culture occurs, conditions for spiritual-moral development and education of students are created;   

- personalized: this component allows the consideration of a training for a future teacher on personality development, performing in a role of active subject of educational activity, aimed at education, self-development during all life.;  

- Personality-oriented: a subjective position of a future teacher includes motivated-valuable, cognitive and regulative aspects, which determine its levels and characteristics.   

- subjective: criteria of effectiveness in personality-oriented approach in development of student`s education, included into the structure of personalized education which can be: conciseness of life, acknowledgement evaluations of growth and development; positive perception of yourself, others, chosen profession, consideration of possibility to realize own interests, inclinations and values; internus; creativeness; openness to life and ability to constant study.   

-  anticipatory: anticipation strengthens personification of education, it creates conditions for realization, first of all, regulative components in anticipation, i.e. due to special organization of joint educational activity giving students a possibility to take part in targeting, planning of educational activity and its control; provide prediction to students about content, kinds, results of educational activity at all stages of lesson, taking into consideration interrelation of regulative, cognitive and communicative components of anticipation.   

- competitive: this component suggests inclusion of professional–oriented educational tasks complexes, providing realization of integrative links to disciplines; realization of contextual technology, detecting choice of forms, methods, training aids, aimed at formation and motivation-evaluative orientations, subject knowledge, abilities, skills, students` personality; containing the base of cultural and professional competences of graduates;  computer technology introduction into professional-oriented educative process, considering content and processing components; organizations of systematic monitoring of subjective educative results, meeting  demands of the new Russian standards.

The results of laboratory research in the publications: