We are pleased to inform you that selected papers presented at the NEW ACHIEVEMENTS OF NMR IN STRUCTURAL STUDIES CONFERENCE will be published in a special issue of Applied Magnetic Resonance (Journal of Springer).

Dear colleagues! 

We kindly ask you to prepare abstracts in accordance with the following requirements.

Papers will be accepted only until March 10, 2015

please use following template:



Author name1, Author name2, the presenter’s name is bolded and underlined

1Author’s affiliation and full address

2Author’s affiliation and full address

Presenter’s e-mail address

Abstract title 

The maximum size of abstract is no more 2 pages (including figures, tables and references).

Paper format is А4.

It should be typed in 12 point type Times New Roman.

Fields: top and bottom - 20 mm 30 mm left right 10 mm.

Formatting - page width.

Line spacing - one and a half. Tabs - 1.25 cm.

Abstracts should be prepared in MS Word and saved as *.RTF.

Figures should be inserted in text only in JPG format with 300 dpi (grayscale).

Any other formats will be rejected.

References are numbered consecutively in order of appearance in the text – they are identified by Arabic numerals in square brackets.

1. Fowkes F. G. R. Critical appraisal of published research: introductory guidelines / F. G. R. Fowkes, P. M. Fulton // British Medical Journal. – 1991. – V.302. – P.1136-40.

The organizing committee reserves the right to return abstracts for revision.